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    How to root phone with termux

    How to root phone with Termux
    How to root phone with Termux

    Guys in Today's Tutorial i m going to show you Root device with termux. 

    Guys first of all we have to know about What is root ? Benifits of Rooted Device.

    What is root Phone ?

    rooting is unlocking the operating system so you can install unapproved apps, deleted unwanted bloatware, update the OS.

    replace the firmware, overclock (or underclock) the processor, customize anything and so on.

    Is root illegal ?

    Many Android phone makers legally allow you to root your phone, e.g., Google Nexus. Other manufacturers, like Apple, don't allow jailbreaking. 

    In the USA, under the DCMA, it's legal to root your smartphone. However, rooting a tablet is illegal.

    Is rooting safe?

    Is rooting your smartphone a security risk? Rooting disables some of the built-in security features of the operating system.

    and those security features are part of what keeps the operating system safe and your data secure from exposure or corruption.

    Benifits of rooted device

    1. Running special apps. Rooting allows the phone to run apps that it cannot run otherwise. ...
    2. Removing pre-installed apps. When you root a phone, you're able to remove unwanted pre-installed apps from it.
    3. Freeing up memory. 
    4. Custom ROMs. 
    5. Extended Phone Life.

    What are the disadvantages of rooting?

    1. Rooting can go wrong and turn your phone into a useless brick. Thoroughly research how to root your phone. 
    2. You will void your warranty. 
    3. Your phone is more vulnerable to malware and hacking.
    4. Some rooting apps are malicious.
    5. You might lose access to high security apps.

    How to root phone with termux

    To enable root access or install sudo in termux without actually rooting the device, you will need to download.

    And install the FakeRoot package from the repository server, then configure it appropriately.

    Step 1: Install Termux terminal

    The termux terminal has already been installed on your device, I assume. There is just one thing to remember: 

    you need to ensure that termux has access to your local SD card storage. Run the below command.


    After you run the above command, a pop-up box will appear asking you for permission to access the local storage. Tap Allow.

    Step 2: Update and Step Upgrade the packages

    Now you need to update the packages and other binaries to the latest version. Run the below command.

    apt update && apt upgrade

    Step 3: Install Git package

    By using the Git module, you can download sources from public servers. Run the below command.

    pkg install git -y

    Step 4: Install Python2

    The two versions of Python that are available for Termux are Python 2 and Python 3. 

    The FakeRoot module works on python2 source codes. So you need to install Python2 binaries. Run the below command.

    pkg install python2 -y

    Step 5: Download FakeRoot Repo

    Now you can proceed further to download and install the FakeRoot project from the git repository. Run the below command.

    git clone https://github.com/MaulanaRyM/FakeRoot

    Step 6: Run the FakeRoot module

    Now you can run the FakeRoot module in the termux terminal. To execute the Fake root, run the below commands one by one.


    cd FakeRoot

    python2 root.py


    Once you run all of the above commands. FakeRoot provides you two options: FakeRoot, Proot. Here, you need to select the first option i.e. 

    FakeRoot and then hit enter. The process of rooting your termux terminal will begin automatically. This will take a little while, so please be patient.

    That’s all. You have now successfully root phone with termux without rooting your Android device.

    so Guys if you have any doubts about How to root phone with termux then comment Below 💖

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